6 Ways Drones Are Being Used in Mining


Drones in mining industry are specifically designed for mining applications like surveying, stockpile measurement, mapping, and inspections. Mining is a hazardous occupation, as working conditions can change in an instant. Both underground mining and surface mining will have unique challenges and risks.

While drones in mining industry can’t eliminate every danger associated with mining practices, they can be used to collect data in areas where humans can’t enter. Drone inspection services in India equip mine workers with drones that can fly without GPS.

6 Ways Drones Are Being Used in Mining

The drones in mining industry have quickly been implemented drone thanks to their ability to revolutionize data collection, safety, and minimize operational expenses.

Here are six ways drones in mining industry are implemented:

  • Volumetric Monitoring

Volumetric monitoring is calculating how much material is left in a stock of overburden, or other mining materials. Due to the sheer size of the stock, it’s challenging to get accurate volume reports using manual methods.

By implementing advanced measurement tools & software, drones in mining industry capture data that are later used to create a 3D model. The algorithms behind these tools & software calculate the required data based on the volume between the surface and base layer.

  • Identifying Hazards

Gas leaks, crumbling rocks, dust explosions, underground environments, and chemical byproducts challenge even the best equipment and miners.

Using Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles in mining, drone inspection services in India can reduce risks by removing humans from the assessment site. Drone monitoring improves on-site safety, saves time, and reduces operational costs.

With surface mining, stocks create sloped terrain that requires continuous stability supervising. This allows mine workers to detect early signs of instability and moderate the issues to keep everyone safe and maintain maximum efficiency with the mining operations.

  • Operational Assessment

3D models created by data collected by drones in the mining industry have a lot of benefits, which makes them a cost-effective tool. Before the drilling and blasting start, a 3D model can be created as an archive to analyze the after-effects of the work.

Once the model is updated, it allows the miners to make data-driven decisions about potential risks & hazards in the future.

  • Mine Monitoring & Planning

A mine consists of many moving components that require adjustments and systematic analysis to achieve maximum efficiency and maintain safety standards. Drone surveying company in India can achieve that without putting any worker in any danger.

  • Mine Development & Exploration

Mining operations are expensive and dangerous. Traditional methods require teams of miners to go into unknown conditions for surface mapping, conducting stability analysis, ventilation modelling, and detecting leaks.

Instead of sending people into inaccessible and dangerous areas, a drone surveying company in India can navigate through tight spaces safely, and more efficiently than humans.

  • Processing Plant Inspections

Drones are also used in on-site mining processing plants to examine the machinery. The benefit being that drones can collect data without stopping the ongoing operations, keeping the operations profitable.


The top drone surveying companies in India have started to integrate drones for mining to make the processes easier & safer. Statistically, drones have proven to be important tools across every phase of a mining site, from exploration to drilling, blasting and reclamation. For any kind of technical drone service or consultation, please get in touch with SES Digital today.