Laser scanning for industrial applications

Laser scanning for industrial applications


3D laser scanning was first introduced in the 1990s but became popular in industries only after 2000. Now, it’s an advanced technology that has applications in all technical and non-technical industries. SES Digital has been offering 3D laser scanning for industrial plants for a decade. From capturing data from existing structures, land or location surveys, to building 3D models from scratch; our multifaceted team can help you get the best results. We capture the dimension infographics on existing structures and surfaces to generate point cloud data that helps you in various stages.

How 3D laser scanning works?

A 3D laser beam is projected onto the surface or object being surveyed; it gets reflected into the scanner. The scanner is programmed to analyse and report the specifications of the particular structure. By analysing the reflected light frequencies and phase shifts of the wavelength, the scanner will give a detailed report. SES Digital has state-of-the-art scanners, different laser machines for different shapes and sizes, and advanced software to provide you with 3D models and digital twins.

Applications of 3D laser scanning

Diverse applications of 3D laser scanning for industrial plants have been listed out below to give more first-hand knowledge of the services we offer-

  • Measuring large objects or spaces: Scanning small spaces or objects is easy and would require only a few hours. Big locations and objects, on the other hand, would require tremendous effort and attention. Industrial plants map to hundreds of thousands of feet if not more, these would require a lot more time and technology. Our 3D laser scanning for industrial plants can help you analyse large spaces and objects accurately promptly.
  • Coloured designs: Once the initial design is done, our scanners perform a 360-degree spin a second time to click full, coloured photographs of the object or building. These photographs will help the client explain visual information regarding the plant to team members who aren’t familiar with the site.
  • Target planning: The biggest benefit of 3D laser scanning is perhaps the fact that it collects data from all sides of the object and considers multiple points. This means we receive accurate information fairly quick. Once all the first phase scans are done, we can piece together all the point clouds to generate a single point cloud scan containing all the smaller scans.
  • Conceptual engineering: With 3D laser scanning, you get the option to conduct full length or full-body scans of large buildings and surfaces. The scans can then be transferred to CAD software to undergo modifications and rectifications. This simplifies reverse engineering, quick prototyping, and you receive the results quicker.
  • Architectural surveys: Industrial plants require rough but sophisticated structures and design to ensure the plant has sufficient space for workers and machinery. 3D laser scanning for industrial plants enables you to get accurate, precise measurements to visualize, optimize, and modify the designs with CAD. It also aids reverse engineering for both external and internal sides of an object or structure.

Our specialized services for 3D laser scanning for industrial plants

We implement both greenfield and brownfield analysis and these would include-

  • As-Built Facility Conditions
  • Pre-Installation Fabrication Verification
  • Facilitates Construction Logistics (would mean cost reduction & shorter shutdowns)
  • Tie-in Point Validation
  • Facilitates into Design Process
  • Installation Planning
  • Demolition Planning


SES Digital prioritizes safety, accuracy, and up-to-date technology for all stages of a project. We are one of the biggest independent engineering services providers in India with over a decade of experience under our belt. Our 3D scanning services can help you streamline productivity, revenue, and achieve your dream project with zero hurdles.