Virtual Reality Case Study for Chemical Process Plant.

Virtual Reality Case Study for Chemical Process Plant

Virtual Reality case study: walk-through for capacity expansion of the existing facility

SES Digital’s extensive Virtual Reality solutions coupled with other transformative digital services, we carried out a brownfield survey for a client. The client wanted to increase the production capacity of their existing chemical manufacturing facility. 

In the existing manufacturing facility, SES Digital deployed high-end drones, on which 3D laser scanning devices and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scanners were installed. Based on this, we developed a 3D model of the brownfield construction and delivered a virtual reality walk through of the existing facility and the expanded facility to the client.

Our virtual reality case study for immersive walk-through enabled the client to have a full-scale experience of the plant in virtual space. The client was able to review the placement of the additional equipment. Compared to the traditional surveying and conceptualization methods, our solutions saved the client two to three weeks of manual work and labor hours. It not only allowed an early kick-start of the construction; but also encouraged the client to identify errors and give feedback on the planning stage itself.