How Drone Technology is Influencing The Mining Industry

Drone Technology is Influencing The Mining Industry

The mining industry has entered a new era of success ever since drone technology has come into the fold. Not only has it shown promising results in upkeeping safety and security standards with the precise data that it offers but has also helped trim the life-cycle and costs of projects by leaps and bounds. So how does drone technology help transform the mining industry? Let’s find out! 

Effective surveys 

Through drone technology, various agencies involved in the project are able to obtain aerial data which in turn helps them boost productivity, plan better, manage inventory and most of all, carry out operations safely. Industry-specific information such as safety berm heights, crests and toes, road boundaries, widths, crests, slope, length, or elevation change of a mining site can also be achieved through the vocation of high-quality UAVs along with advanced mining software. Worker safety is also effectively maintained as hazards such as rock falls, extremely humid conditions, gas leaks, dust explosions and floods can be foreseen and taken care of in advance. Drone technology is especially useful in underground mines to monitor and inspect deep shafts. In addition, drones are also employed to inspect mining equipment, which is an important aspect as these machineries have a high cost. 

Haul Road Optimization

Efficiency and productivity of mining operations are highly dependent on haul road networks. Consistent status checks of haul roads are important to ensure safe and dependable transportation. Through drone technologies like UAV, it is easy to capture aerial data that helps provide key information like turning angles, length and slopes. These drones also assess areas more precisely and extensively to ensure that legal standards are met making it easier for the road support engineers to plan, design and upkeep. 


One of the most hazardous and intense operations to carry out, mining explorations were traditionally done by workers. To go out and explore mining sites was a life-threatening job that would cost a lot. With the advent of drone technology, the mining industry has seen a major transformation as the use of high-quality drones has made it easier to maneuver through potential mine sites using UAVs and high resolution ortho images and geo-tagged data. 

Sediment and water 

Uncontrolled and unsought water and sediment flow can prevent smooth functioning and be of great cost to any mining project. Drone technology helps map out flow and tailings for smoother operations. Regular drone mapping provides visual records that can be of great help when it comes to preparedness for unforeseen events. 

At SES Digital, we make mining operations more productive and efficient by using drone mapping, drone imagery and aerial photography. By employing Drones, we help mining companies save several costs, resources, and the time invested when contrasted to a ground-based survey. 

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