Virtual Reality is a Game Changer for the Mining Industry

Virtual reality in the mining industry


Although the implementation of virtual reality in different industries has been slow, VR has by now become an integral part of multiple sectors. Virtual reality in the mining industry has been picking up pace too, becoming more and more accessible & advanced. The risks involved in mining are no secrets. Inadequate training, lack of strong safety measures, and proper tools are the common causes of many mining hazards. Hands-on work provides only limited experience to the workers. Hence, using virtual reality in the mining industry allows workers to experience all the real-world working conditions without all the risks associated with them.

Virtual reality in the mining industry

AR/VR in the oil & gas industry is often used to train plant workers for adverse situations they might face later on. Similarly, using virtual reality in the mining industry is a safe and effective method to train people to face tough situations. The workers can experience every integral part of the task and also interact with the various virtual objects around them, leading to better learning retention and better adaptability.

Many countries use virtual reality in the mining industry to recreate the mine’s environment virtually to allow workers to practice safety procedures and assessments. Virtual mines that are identical replicas of the actual mines are used for accident reconstruction, safety training, and emergency preparedness.

Importance of virtual reality in the mining industry

The infrastructure in the mining industry is often complex; this includes the plant designs too. Moreover, most mines are situated in remote areas, making it difficult for engineers, workers, and project workers to assess and review them. The majority of these remote mining areas have a first-in-first-out assessment method, which makes it difficult for teams to coordinate during the planning and execution of the tasks at hand.

Virtual reality in the mining industry is practical as it fully immerses the trainee or a new hand in the mining or installation terrain and makes them perform the same tasks that would be performed in real-world situations. Due to this, workers are better prepared to face dangerous situations and grueling surroundings. The beauty of VR training is that it’s gamified, and the training can be done over and over again until the respective management teams attain the sort of results they want to see This training is fulfilled with the use of Virtual Reality Operator Training Simulators (VR- OTS) and conservation Training Simulators (VR- MTS) which are the crucial virtual reality training operations for the mining assiduity. These systems enable administrators and Training Trainers to cover the performance of all trainees and give accurate feedback to them. Such immediate feedback and corrections reduce the potential of errors occurring during actual situations.

The true potential of virtual reality in the mining industry is infinite, and much of it has yet to be explored. As more advancement is achieved per year in the virtual reality industry, the mining industry can take advantage of it to enhance and optimize its working conditions.


As one of India’s best EPCM consultancy in India, SES Digital has tremendous experience in developing & honing advanced solutions for both underground mines and surface mines. SES Digital offers customizable and economical virtual reality training services for critical training. Our solutions are capable of immersive learning experiences that can lead to higher efficiency and accuracy. If you are from the mining industry and are facing any challenges, then let us help you clear all the obstacles one by one. For more information regarding our services, please get in touch with us.