Time and Motion Study: Resources optimization for the world’s largest wind turbine blade manufacturing facility

Drone services

Introduction: Time and Motion Study

Every business is unique and has ever-changing needs. All our services and solutions are customized according to the business and its structure. Here’s one of the many stories to give you a glimpse into our work for time and motion study.


Our main objective with this particular project was to conduct a time and motion study for the blade mould and build a simulation prototype. Our team of professionals generated the input data required for the simulation, which underwent thorough testing before it was finalized. After a series of verifications and validations, we integrated the simulation model with ERP so it could be combined with the digital twin.

Our Solution: Time and Motion Studies

We developed solutions for this with a focus on resources and work management. Our team analyzed the ongoing plans, resources, and work duties to figure out which aspects needed to be modified or changed completely. We came up with a series of suggestions and modifications by conducting a time & motion study first. It helped to give us an idea of the current efficiency of the plants & workers.

Based on our analysis, we put new methods in place to optimize the working process. We inspected the machinery and resources to find the right equipment for each specific process. By doing this, a lot of unnecessary tools and tasks were eliminated which saves a lot of time overall. Our end goal was to find solutions that could be implemented immediately and used for a long time instead of short-lived, quick solutions.

Bottleneck process

No matter which sector you belong to, bottlenecks are inevitable while starting a new product line or getting huge shipments. This is where we help by identifying exactly where the bottleneck is and how to improve it. it’s important to keep a precise track of all tasks and their results to find where you have the bottleneck. By dissecting each task and movement, we can track when there’s a delay or queue for a particular task. There are various ways to deal with a bottleneck as it depends on the sector, work, and the manpower behind it. We help find that middle ground.

Operator utilization

For context, the ratio between the working time and the total clock time indicates the utilization of the operators’ working time. It hints to you about where the time can be cut down or increased to boost performance and reduce the strain. While improving the operators’ utilization, it’s paramount to keep the safety of the workers in mind too. It’s easy to forget about hazards while thinking of high results. We believe we don’t have to compromise on either of them and hence build strategies accordingly.

Shipment utilization

Communication is the key, even in the shipment & machinery department. Ask yourself- have you made the instructions clear to your workers? Do the shipment workers know what exactly you are looking for? The first answer in your mind would be a yes but is it truly clear on both sides? We help you improvise and address problems or miscommunication right when they occur. Proper communication is also a great way to avoid bottlenecks.

No two companies are the same, even if they do belong to the same niche. They might appear to be at first glance but they have very different requirements and goals. We helped this project by minimizing the time and setting up step-by-step methods for everyday tasks. Figuring out which aspects need optimization is the first step in the right direction.